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Ukraine: Nightlife in Resistance


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Told through the personal stories of six individuals, this film explores how a once-thriving electronic music scene has been transformed by war.

Resident Advisor hat eine Doku über das in den Widerstand gegangene Club- und Nachtleben der Ukraine veröffentlicht. Denn auch das befindet sich seit nun mehr als 428 Tagen im Kriegszustand. Raving Resistance.

When Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, the thriving electronic scene changed forever. Overnight, producers, DJs, club owners, staff, promoters and curators became soldiers, refugees and volunteers. Such efforts swept through its venues, too. The country's dance floors were suddenly repurposed into medical training facilities and ammunition factories, coordination headquarters and volunteer centres.
To directly support the music communities affected in this film, please consider donating to the following charities:

Обійми (Hugs) https://obiymy.org.ua/en/ - Hugs is a volunteer organisation started by Vlad Shast that provides humanitarian aid for the those who are affected by the hostilities of war.
Musicians Defend Ukraine https://musiciansdefendukraine.com/
Helping Muscians who defend on Ukraine's frontline, providing protective equipment, medical supplies and humanitarian aid.

Music in order of appearance:
kindracoma - Anxiety
Casa Ukrania - Okupatsia
Del Cano - 24/02/22
Spekulant - Jumpngap
Roman K & Roma Khropko - Unexplained Fears
Philip Didenkov - Afterfear
Distortion (UA) - Flying Round
Pankifared - До перемоги
kuvallini - Exaltation
Kichi Kazuko - Sontse Ukrayiny Shodytʹ Na Donbasi
Monotronique - Voyage
Karoon - Степ (feat. ТУЧА)
Arthur Mine - Mantra
Kollega Ilay - дважди в день [unreleased]
Heinali - Peizazhna Aleia
Heinali - Live from Bouquet Kyiv 2021
Monoconda - Alone At The Dancefloor
Kurs Valüt feat сонічка дєтка - Kolyskova
Kurs Valüt - Kurs Valüt (live in Module, Dnipro)
Zavoloka - Sich
Arthur Mine - Twilights
Monotonne - Fairytale (feat. Elle Alicia Bennett)
Iiteration - Flowers Of The Space Desert
Ship Her Son - Gott
Panghoud - Shum Karpaty étude
Heinali - Live from a Bomb Shelter in Ukraine
Paat. & Nata Teva - Rave On Putin's Grave

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