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Video: Die CDU hat ein günstiges Büro im U-Bahnschacht (dank Rocco & seine Brüdern)


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Rocco und seine Brüders haben der CDU aufgrund der wahnsinnig hohen Mieten in Berlin ein Büro im Untergrund besorgt. Nun haben die Kreativisten einen kleinen "Fernsehbeitrag" nachgeschoben, in dem wir einen Politiker auf seinem Nachhauseweg von der Arbeit bewundern können. ;o)

Rent in Berlin has increased dramatically.
Even CDU, Germany’s conservative ruling party, who were ferociously fighting against a ban of the explosion of rent increases, is now falling victim to their own politics. The party is being out-gentrified from their very own national office, as they are no longer able to come up with their rent. The discovery by BVG worker Norbert Schmidt in a tunnel of Berlin’s U9 metro line accordingly comes as no surprise.
At exactly the same spot where four years earlier the BVG has evicted a young collective of artists, one can now find a new and fully furnished office space. When she opened her favorite newspaper this morning, Petra Nelken, press officer of BVG, was so shocked about the freshly publicised photos of the office that she dropped her coffee over her Leberwurstsandwich.


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