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The Democratic Socialism Simulator


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Falls ihr mal austesten wolltet, wie es so ist, wenn man den Kapitalismus endlich abschafft und ihn durch einen demokratischen Sozialismus ersetzt, könnt ihr das bald in diesem Game tun, in dem euer Beraterstab aus allerlei Tierchen besteht und ihr Lobby-Haie bekämpfen müsst. Nach dem neuen Flight Simulator, dem Social Media Simulator, den weirden Simulatoren von ThePlayWay und MAD TV vielleicht mein neuer Lieblings-Simulator.

The Democratic Socialism Simulator lets you play as the first socialist president of the United States. Can you redistribute power and wealth while addressing the climate crisis?
Enact radical reforms, tax the rich, transform the economy, tackle the most pressing issues without alienating voters or bankrupting the government. But beware: the ruling class won't give up its power easily. Even your closest allies may turn on you.

The Democratic Socialism Simulator is an attempt to prefigure the opportunities and challenges of a Sanders (or Sanders-like) presidency. It is meant to entertain, enrage, provoke socialist-curious players as well as comrades on the front lines of the political revolution.


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