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Hypnospace Outlaw | 90’s-Internet-Simulator


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Das Internet von damals, in dem weder Social Media noch Cookie-Hinweise existierten, gibt es nun auch im zeitreisenden Simulator. In Hypnospace Outlaw kehrt ihr in den wilden Westen des WorldWideWebs zurück. Ihr müsst Viren und Adware bekämpfen, jagt File-Sharing-Diebe und könnt euch total verpixelte Katzen-Wallpapers runterladen. Internet like it's 1999.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a '90s internet simulator in which you scour Hypnospace's wide variety of weird and wonderful websites to hunt down wrongdoers, while also keeping an eye on your inbox, avoiding viruses and adware, and downloading a plethora of apps that may or may not be useful.

As part of your job as a Hypnospace Enforcer, you'll be watching out for copyright infringement, internet bullying and more, with reports and rewards coming direct from the Hypnospace Patrol Department to your inbox. In your spare time, you can customize your HypnOS desktop however you see fit, with a variety of downloads, wallpapers, screen savers and helper bots to keep you company.


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