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Bär steigt in Whirlpool und schlürft Cocktail des Besitzers weg


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In Kalifornien hat ein Bär den Garten von Mark Hough geentert, es sich in seinem Whirlpool bequem gemacht und danach noch lässig seinen Margarita weggeschlürft. Später soll der pelzige Bad Boy dann gemütliche im Schatten eines Baumes gesnoozt haben. Like a Boss.

After first spotting the bear, Hough retreated inside, only to later find the furry intruder „bobbling away in the Jacuzzi enjoying himself.“Hough recorded video of the bear lolling in the unheated hot tub with the jets on. The creature played with the chlorinator and tossed the thermometer in the air, Hough said.„He was playing having a grand old time,“ he added.
The bear’s dip only lasted a few minutes before it emerged and lumbered around the yard. Then it „popped out of the bushes, walked right over to the margarita, knocked it over and lapped it,“ Hough said. …About an hour later, Hough was talking to a neighbor when some oak leaves fluttered to the ground. Hough looked up to see the bear slumbering in the tree. (NBC San Diego)


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