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Bomb City (Trailer) | Ⓐmerican Punk Story


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Bomb City. Ein Independent-Film, der die wahre Geschichte von Brian Deneke erzählt, einem Punk-Musiker, der im konservativen Texas aufwächst. Sein Tod in einem Kampf mit sogenannten Jocks wurde 1997 zum Symbol für eine ganze Subkultur und ist u.a. in vielen Punk-Songs verewigt worden (bspw. in 'nem Song der Dropkick Murphys).

Punk's not dead. Er läuft nächstes Jahr im Kino. Und vielleicht ja auch bald auf dem roten Teppich der Oscars (auf imdb hat er derzeit eine 6,9).

"Winter 1997. Amarillo, Texas. Brian Deneke is known for his green mohawk and undying passion for punk music. He throws punk shows with his friends at a rundown venue known as “Bomb City.” Brian, along with many of his fellow punks, refuses to conform to the conservative culture that surrounds them. Their radical appearances stir social intolerance within the community, particularly with Cody Cates, a high school jock who assimilates to a pack known as “white-hatters.”
After losing a football game, Cody and a few other white-hatters have an altercation with several of the punks. This conflict ignites a series of hostile encounters between the two groups, climaxing one evening with a horrific, violent street fight. The night would soon become notorious for being one of the most controversial hate crimes in modern American culture. Based on a true story."

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