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Hacker erpresst Netflix, ABC und FOX mit Leaks von diversen Serien-Folgen

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Ein angeblicher Hacker namens The Dark Overlord wollte Netflix mit dem Leak der neuen Staffel von Orange is the new Black erpressen und der Streamingplattform 600.000$ abknüpfen. Die sind allerdings nicht darauf eingegangen und nun sind wohl 10 Folgen der nächsten Season irgendwo im Netz gelandet. Außerdem hat er wohl angekündigt, noch mehr Serien und Filme zu leaken. Und es gibt sicher viele, die sich über den ein oder anderen Kandidaten freuen werden.
Ich leider nicht. Denn es ist absolut nichts bei, was mich interessiert.

Auf der Liste der Hacker stehen zum Beispiel Sendungen von ABC («The Middle», «The Catch»), CBS («NCIS: Los Angeles»), FOX («Making History», «New Girl»), FXX («It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia», «Man Seeking Woman»), National Geographic («Breakthrough») und Nickelodeon («The Thundermans», «Max & Shred»). Ob tatsächlich so viele andere Formate gefährdet sind, lässt sich zurzeit schwer einschätzen. (Quelle: quotenmeter)


Hier laut Heavy das Statement:


this is thedarkoverlord (@tdohack3r) here to deliver a message.We're back again. Did you miss us? Of course, you did. We're willing to bet Netflix did as well. Speaking of which, Netflix clearly received our message considering they've made public statements and was one of the first people to downloada fresh copy of their own property (Hello,!) - yet they continue to remain unresponsive. With this information in mind (and the fact that leaving people on cliffhangers isn't fun) we've decided to release Episodes 2-10 of "Orange Is The New Black" Season 5 after many lengthy discussions at the office where alcohol was present. Do note that there are 13 episodes. However, we were so early when we acquired the copies that post hadn't gotten around to Episodes 11-13. Perhaps Netflix will consider releasing the season earlier now that the cat'sout of the bag?

We're not quite done yet, though. We're calling you out: ABC, National Geographic, Fox, IFC, and of course Netflix, still. There's more Netflix on the feastingmenu soon (in addition to the other studios, of course), but we'll get to that later. Enjoy the fruits of _our_ labour.

Below you will find links to download the fifth season of "Orange Is The New Black":https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/17689057/It didn't have to be this way, Netflix. You're going to lose a lot more money in all of this than what our modest offer was. We're quite ashamed to breathe thesame air as you. We figured a pragmatic business such as yourselves would see and understand the benefits of cooperating with a reasonable and merciful entity like ourselves. And to the others: there's still time to save yourselves. Our offer(s) are still on the table - for now.

Your friends,thedarkoverlordProfessional AdversaryWorld Wide Web, LLCP.S. Enlightening us in regards to the quality of the so graciously released materials is most futile. If you're not satisfied with our release, you're more than welcome to release your own episodes of "Orange Is The New Black" - Season 5.

Reuploads and seeders are welcome.

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