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Jung & Naiv: Noam Chomsky über die Gedanken eines Aliens zur Menschheit (mit deutschen Untertiteln)


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Großartiges Interview von Tilo Jung mit einem der bekanntesten klugen Köpfe, die wir haben: Noam Chomsky. Er spricht u.a. darüber, was ein Alien wohl sagen würde, wenn es die intelligentesten Wesen der Erde beobachten würde, die gleichzeitig auch die dümmsten sind: Menschen.

We meet Noam (and his wife) in his office at MIT in Cambridge. Tilo asks Noam to pretend to be an alien for a moment. An alien who looks down on Earth. What does he witness? Chomsky explains what the objective observer from out of space would see:
What is humanity up to in the 21st century? Will it be our final century? Are we going to survive? What existential dangers are we facing? What's the most dangerous organization in human history?

Tilo and "Alien Chomsky" also talk about the American Empire: Is it going to last? Is America the exception to the rule of Empires always falling? What about Obama's drone program? Is Obama a terrorist? Is Germany part of a terrorist organization? Is Martin Luther King still right about his government?


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