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Interconnection: Projection Mapping (Winner of iMapp2016)


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Flashiges Projectionmapping aus Bukarest, das dort beim einem internationalen Wettbewerb für VideoMappers (iMapp) den 1. Platz machte. Und optisch 'ne ganz schöne Wucht.

"Winner of both awards of the contest: Jury's Choice Award and People's Choice Award. The piece focuses on the interconnectedness of all things, the micro and the macro, the outer and the inner universe. Connecting logical and emotional, individuals and society, art and audience, planet and galaxies, architecture and animation etc. Even though we often lose touch with the bigger picture, we are all part of a cosmic network. It is only the human mind’s false perception that inner and outer are separated, causing confusion and misunderstanding in the world sometimes.
The piece is aiming to reopen the dialogue between the internal and external through a cinematic journey from the state of separation to the state of eternal openness. We are aiming to draw from contemporary visionary art and architecture, sacred geometry, even physics and chemistry to turn the Palace of Parliament into a vibrant, endlessly beautiful scenery of our symbolic dialogue.
Integrating the facade's architectural characteristics into our artwork is also a key element in the concept adding an extra value to this conversation between artist and audience, the city and its citizens.
Created by Limelight 3D Projection Mapping feat Global Illumination."


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