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Flashiges Projectionmapping aus Bukarest, das dort beim einem internationalen Wettbewerb für VideoMappers (iMapp) den 1. Platz machte. Und optisch 'ne ganz schöne Wucht.

"Winner of both awards of the contest: Jury's Choice Award and People's Choice Award. The piece focuses on the interconnectedness of all things, the micro and the macro, the outer and the inner universe. Connecting logical and emotional, individuals and society, art and audience, planet and galaxies, architecture and animation etc. Even though we often lose touch with the bigger picture, we are all part of a cosmic network. It is only the human mind’s false perception that inner and outer are separated, causing confusion and misunderstanding in the world sometimes.
The piece is aiming to reopen the dialogue between the internal and external through a cinematic journey from the state of separation to the state of eternal openness. We are aiming to draw from contemporary visionary art and architecture, sacred geometry, even physics and chemistry to turn the Palace of Parliament into a vibrant, endlessly beautiful scenery of our symbolic dialogue.
Integrating the facade's architectural characteristics into our artwork is also a key element in the concept adding an extra value to this conversation between artist and audience, the city and its citizens.
Created by Limelight 3D Projection Mapping feat Global Illumination."



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Projectionmapping Deluxe lässt das Rathaus in Sevilla niederbrennen. Und zwar von einem 3DDrachen. Kann man machen - also, wenn man's kann.

Die komplette Show (vom letzten Jahr) könnt ihr hier sehen.


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Der australische Graffiti-Video-Künstler Sofles hat mich vor knapp 1 1/2 Jahren schon mal weggeflasht (siehe hier). Seit dem hab' ich leider nicht mehr so wirklich viel seiner Art mitgekriegt. Bis jetzt. Und er combeack't mit einem riesigen Wandgraffiti, das auf crazy 3D-Videomapping trifft. Oder eher andersrum. Mit von der Party war diesmal Filmemacherin Silena Miles
Nicht ganz so spektakulär wie damals (kann man aber auch sowieso nie mehr toppen), aber trotzdem ganz schön cool. Wer mag, bekommt im unteren Video nochmal die ungeschnittene (quasi) Live-Version der Show in voller Länge aka 7 Minuten.

"On Saturday the 21st of February, Sofles – Graffiti Mapped premiered at Melbourne’s largest cultural festival, White Night Melbourne. Attended by over 500,000 people and running from 7pm – 7am, the festival takes over Melbourne’s CBD for a one night only artistic extravaganza.Many months in the making, Sofles – Graffiti Mapped is an innovative step forward for the world of graffiti and technology. Sofles – Graffiti Mapped explores the intrinsic connection between graffiti, street art and technology through a combination of 3D video mapping, traditional street art and graffiti techniques and motion design. 
Over 5 stories high, Sofles’ inner city mural is his biggest work to date. Add to that Grant Osborne’s incredibly detailed motion design and a musical score by New Zealand music producer Opiuo, and you have a truly innovative work of art. Visible for one night only, but destined to leave an impression on the city’s skyline Sofles- Graffiti Mapped was one of the most exciting events of the entire White Night Melbourne festival."

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Die belgische Stadt Mons ist die europäische Kulturhauptstadt 2015. Und um das entsprechend zu zeigen hat man den Hof vom Carré des Arts (Kunsthochschule) zu einer futuristischen Botschaft aus der Zukunft transformiert. Die visuelle Performance per 360°-Videomapping stammt von Dirty Monitor und ist ganz schön beeindruckend. Zukunftskunst.

"We proposed our vision of the theme of Mons 2015 : Where technology meets culture! A futurist vision of a robotic world illustrated by CLOE our central processing unit system. "Year : 10191. A technological war breaks out. Descent into the depths of a dead planet. Discover the queen of the new world, Cloe..."



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Face-Tracking per Live-Projection-Mapping hat ich hier schon mal. Die doppelte Ausführung vom 3D-Makeup gefällt mir allerdings noch 'n Tick besser (weil robotriger) - auch wenn die Macher exakt die selben sind. Und mit deren Namen lässt sich das Video übrigens auch prima zusammenfassen: something wonderful.



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Wunderschön bunte Gemälde von Nate Siggard & Nina Topinkon (Mono Amor), die mittels Projectionmapping zum Leben erweckt wurden. Ein kleiner verspulter Trip in die Kunst von Morgen (so stell ich mir jedenfalls die Zukunft vor, glaub ich).

"Each painting is created in a state of flow achieved through complete freedom of expression over the course of hundreds of hours. Once finished the painting is digitally recreated and altered to be projected back onto itself, revealing a hidden dimension previously constrained within our collective imaginations. Through this process we invite you to forget what you think you know, and experience the joy and wonder which await you once you free your mind to infinite possibility and rediscover your authority as creator of your reality."

(Direktlink zum Vid)