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Peter Crnokrak hat seinem 5-jährigen Sohnemann per EEG die Hirnströme gemessen. Beim Musik hören. Und zwar von meinem Ambiente-Electro-König Burial. Ein Mix aus schönen Songs (siehe unten), schönen Visuals und einer schönen Idee. Ganz schön schön.

"What Need Angel is a synesthetic transcription of the brainwave response of a five year old boy while listening to music. The project aims to develop a systematic methodology that allows for primal biological experiences to be visualised to facilitate the understanding of the emotional responses to stimuli. The computational video uses dynamic particle animation segments that are woven together to form a seamless, though at times jarring, reflection of the music listening experience. Particle behaviours such as size, speed, colour and direction of movement are all determined by the user’s passive brainwave responses to music stimuli."

Music by Burial : Loner, Kindred, Rival Dealer & Come Down To Us



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Der Animator Nate Milton hat sämtliche nostalgischen Bilder aus seinem Kopf aufs Papier gebracht, mit denen er ein Kribbeln im Bauch verbindet. Und manche davon befinden sich so - oder so ähnlich (oder ganz anders) - auch in meinem Gehirn. Irgendwo.

"For three weeks, I wrote down any thought, image or memory that gave me a tingly feeling. I animated the list, and what it accidentally became was a stream-of-consciousness trek through my life. This is the trailer to my brain."
