Kategorie: Film & Kino
Alle Szenen von Star Wars IV in einer Minute und einer Sekunde
Chappie ist Nummer 5 und lebt als Robo-MashUp
PS: Auf YouTube findet ihr Nr. 5 lebt derzeit in voller Länge, falls euch die Robostalgie überkommt.
Das Making-Of zu Chappie lässt mich weiterhin hoffen, dass der neue Alien von Neill Blomkamp gut wird
Crumbs | Ein absurder Sci-Fi-Trailer aus Äthiopien
“Decades after the apocalypse and after extraterrestrial life had been discovered, the few inhabitants left in a hostile earth have struggled to survive by squatting and rummaging to make ends meet. For many years an alien spaceship has hovered in the skies, undisturbed and dormant, slowly rusting away. Tired of picking up the crumbs of gone-by civilizations, Gagano dreams his life away when not living in a state of perpetual fear. When the spaceship in the sky begins to turn on after a series of freak incidents in the bowling alley that Gagano and Selam call home, our miniature sized hero will be forced to embark on a surreal epic journey that will lead him through the post apocalyptic Ethiopian landscape. As he confronts himself, his fears, as well as witches, Santa Claus and second generation Nazis he will find himself only to discover that the memories that brought him on his journey and that he always thought he had were not really as he had been recalling them.”
Fight Club 2 – Der Comic | 10 Jahre nach Project Chaos
"Some imaginary friends never go away… Ten years after starting Project Mayhem, he lives a mundane life. A kid, a wife, pills to keep his destiny at bay. But it won’t last long; the wife has seen to that. The time has come…Rize or Die."