Die Zukunft hat uns bis jetzt weder die fliegenden Autos noch Hoverboards gebracht, die uns eigentlich schon 2015 versprochen wurden. Auf ebay kann man derzeit aber zumindest eine Zwischenlösung erwerben: Ein Hovercraft-DeLorean. Für ganze 45.000$ braucht ihr da, wo ihr hinfahrt keine Straßen mehr.
The Hovercraft is based on the blueprints for the Universal Hovercraft UH-13PT. The basic shape of the hull, skirt, and fan ducts come from those blueprints, but pretty much everything else is customized. The Delorean body is made out of styrofoam wrapped in fiberglass and painted with metallic paint.
The 36” thrust fan is powered by a 23hp Briggs & Stratton Vanguard riding lawnmower-style engine. The 24” lift fan is powered by a B&S 875 Professional series push mower engine. The hull of the craft hovers about 6-8 inches over the surface, and can hover over anything relatively flat: land, water, ice, snow, sand, asphalt, etc. The top speed with the current thrust configuration is 31 mph on the water in good conditions.